Your Health Is Important to Others

By admin, 24 April, 2024

The health of everyone affects everyone's health.
Make sense?  It's true.  If someone close to you is sick, you are limited in some way, however small.  Your liberty to go out or away is limited.  You have new responsibilities, possible expenses, and more.
And even though I might not know you personally, your health affects the butterfly flapping it's wings halfway around the world.  So...

5 STEPS TO A HEALTHIER YOU (from a catalog selling nutritional supplements)
1) Build Your Foundation - ensure you're taking a good multi-vitamin (or eating very specifically for your health...Remember, "Food is fuel.  Food is not your Friend.")
2) Consider Your Sex (there are only two here) - Women and men have different needs...which can change with age.
3) Layer In Your Lifestyle - Athlete? Vegetarian? Inside most of the time? Recovering from an injury?
4) Go for the Goals - Focus on your heart, your mental health, your aches, your vision.
5) Get Head-To-Toe Specific - Need a probiotic, something for your skin, some strong immune support?

Thought this might help.  Hope it does.  Ta Ta!
